
宁波下调公积金贷款政策 首付比例下调10%

宁波下调公积金贷款政策 首付比例下调10% Ningbo reduced the housing provident fund loans with 10% reduction of down payment



  More good news of housing common reserve fund policy has come in Ningbo. Yesterday, the Ningbo housing Provident Fund Management Committee released that the mortgage down-payment ratios and extracting policy of offsite housing and mortgage would be adjusted next month and the provident mortgage threshold would be lowered.


  New policy pointed out that, from next month, to worker-families with deposit of provident fund who own a housing and had settled corresponding purchase loan (containing housing provident fund loan and commercial banks loan), applying for a second housing for improving live conditions, the housing loan down payment rate would be adjusted to no less than 20% instead of 30%, the second-hand house loan down payment rate would be adjusted to no less than 30% instead of 40%.


  The policy of extracting offsite housing and mortgage was adjusted at the same time. Paid workers in Zhejiang Province with extracting offsite housing and mortgage housing Provident Fund business could handle in accordance with the purchase and extraction of the loan within the administrative area of Ningbo housing provident fund policies.


  According to reports, in addition to the provision of relevant files required by the administrative area of Ningbo city, the existing paid workers who purchase housing and repay outside the administrative area of Ningbo need to provide valid documents of the residents of the purchaser or spouse in the working or living in the transcripts, or their parents’ and children’s according to the original provisions.


  The adjustment has canceled related proving materials of working and living in different places, the extracting offsite housing and mortgage housing provident fund business of paid workers in Zhejiang Province can be handled in accordance with the purchase and extraction of the loan within the administrative area of Ningbo housing provident fund policies.


  It is worth mentioning that the offsite provident fund policy is applied to 11 cities in Zhejiang. If residents of Ningbo want to purchase a house in Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jinhua, Quzhou and other cities with the province can also enjoy the local policy.


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